Easy Knitting Patterns
What's the easiest pattern to start knitting?
Knitting is a wonderful hobby to pick up this winter (or any time really!). Studies have proven that knitting can help with Anxiety, Chronic Pain, build social connections, work well as a form of meditation, reduce your heart rate, and much more! But where to start? What's the easiest project to start your knitting journey? If you're ready to move beyond just knitting garter stitch squares and start making your own clothes or toys, this is the page for you!
Hats and Scarves
Some of the best projects to start you off are hats and scarves! Scarves are great as they tend to have big chunks of knitting in the same stitch, but provide enough opportunity to stretch yourself and try new stitches or some increases/decreases in an easy-to-follow project. Hats offer a similar concept but with the added skill of learning how to 'sew up' pattern pieces
Hats & ScarvesOur Top Patterns
Here are some amazing knitting resources we recommend to help you along the way! Plus, remember that all Makerist Designer knitting patterns come with step-by-step tutorials, picture instructions, and even video tutorials sometimes, so be sure to read through all of your pattern carefully!
Best of luck! In the meantime, why not browse the rest of our patterns?ALL KNITTING PATTERNS
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