- Written pattern row by row
- Pictures with details
- List of material needed
Materials you need at home:
- Needles for knitting 3.25 mm
- 4 ply yarn
- Stuff for dolls
- Cotton thread to embroider the face
Meet Harry and Jane, this couple Lapins (rabbits) from the collection: “Cottage”. Or better...Have fun to knit for yourself or your kids Mister and Mrs Rabbits and give life to an amazing knitted doll collection. Give personality to your dolls by choosing colours and face expressions and enter in the little World of “Cottage”.
1 Material: ★ Knitting needles 3.25 or 3.5 mm (DPN or circular) ○ ( If you make the choice of knitting needles, please keep it for all the knitted things of the pattern to be sure to have the good size for clothes and dolls, fro example: if you knit with 3.5 mm use it for everything to knit in this pattern. Do not change the size of the needles for the clothes!) ★ Yarn: ○ for the dolls: DMC WOOLY 50 g each colour: ■ # 03 (white) for white rabbit and ears of the brown rabbit ■ # 42 ( pink) for white rabbit’s ears ■ # 113 (brown) for brown rabbit ○ for the clothes: Alpaca by Drops (Flora is great too for this project) or any fingering yarn: ■ # 9026 Blush : Jane’s dress ■ #7323 green mix: Harry’s night hat ■ #4010 Lavander Jane’s shawl ■ #9021 fog (blue mix) night pyjamas for Harry ★ Tapestry needle ★ Embroidery scissors ★ stitches holders ★ stuff for doll ★ Silk or cotton thread to embroider the face. ★ ink for stamps and a brush to draw the cheeks : Pink or beige ★ 4 buttons 0.5 or 1 cm for Jane’s night dress ★ 4 buttons 0.5 or 1 cm for Harry’s night pyjamas and 2 more buttons for the back pocket ★ Cotton or yarn thread for Jane ‘s dress embroidery ○ I used yarn for embroidery hand dyed by teinture sauvage, but you can use cotton or yarn from Maison Sajou. ○ (You also can use Cotton thread perlé by DMC #5) ○ “ Teinture Sauvage” is available on line. instagram @teinturesauvage ★ Option: stabilizer water soluble for knitted fabric to embroider, it helps to maintain your knit and the embroidery is easier to make.
Size: The dolls measure about 21 cm from head to toe (without ears) knitted with needles 3.25 mm. The size can be different if knitted with needles 3.5 mm or more Level: Medium (the pattern is easy to follow for beginners who want to improve their knitting level) Note: The dolls are knitted same way: each part is knitted. and sewn on the back. After stuffing the parts, you have to sew them to each other. Body’s parts are knitted flat. Clothes are knitted flat and in the round for the sleeves