- the ebook includes 4 different instructions for the pumpkin , , the instruction how to crochet and sew the face is also included
Materials you need at home:
- Needed materials
, Pumpkin with face (about 19 cm)
, * 150 g orange yarn size 4- 5
, * Left over in light green yarn size 4- 5
, * Left over in light white yarn size 4- 5 , * Left over in light black yarn size 4- 5 , * Left over in light blue yarn size 4- 5 , * stuffing about 1 package , , , , small (about 11 cm, taupe) and medium (about 13cm, beige) pumpkin , * 100 g yarn in taupe/ beige size 4- 5 , * Left over in white/ taupe yarn size 4- 5 , * Some stuffing , , , big (about 13cm, weiß) pumpkin , * 150 g yarn in white size 4- 5 , * Left over in beige yarn size 4- 5 , * Some stuffing
Need some decoration for the fall or for halloween,
no problem, here it is, quick and easy. Pumpkin in four different sizes with or without Halloween face. They can easily be crochet by a beginner, as the instruction is detailled and contains lots of Pictures.
This is what you Need to know:
chain slip stitch single crochet half double crochet double crochet de- or increase Magic circle
even though the instruction is detailled and includes Pictures, let me know and I will help you
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