- Crochet Pattern
- UK & USA terminology
- Boys and Girls Set
Materials you need at home:
- UK-DK, USA-Light Worsted (3), AU-8ply , *Boys set- 100g , *Girls set- 150g , *Boys set- 6 small buttons , *Girls set- 6 small buttons , *13 small pink roses, 28”(70cm) of ½ ”(1.5cm) wide pink ribbon , *74”(188cm) of ¼ ”(0.5cm) wide pink ribbon. , *Crochet hook UK 3.5mm, USA E
This pattern is available by emailed PDF format in UK or USA terminology
Skill Level:2 - Fairly easy.
Size: 0-3 months
Materials: Boys set- 6 small buttons Girls set- 6 small buttns,13 small pink roses, 28”(70cm) of ½ ”(1.5cm) wide pink ribbon, 74”(188cm) of ¼ ”(0.5cm) wide pink ribbon.
UK Materials: Boys set- 100g of double knitting Girls set- 150g of double knitting 3.5mm hook
USA Materials: Boys set- 9 ozs light worsted(3) Girls set- 6 ozs light worsted(3) E hook
The Pattern is one of over 300 that ShiIFio have designed.
My patterns are copyright protected and are for your own personal use only, they are not to be re-sold or reproduced in any format including by electronic means, completed items made from our patterns sold , we would like to be given credit for the pattern :)