- Includes shoe sizes 8-13 (sole ranging from 6.3" to 8")
- Full tutorial with photos for every step
- Very active pattern support facebook group
- US Imperial Measurement
Materials you need at home:
- 1/2 yard cotton fabric
- 1/2 yard fleece
- Leather or non-slip fabric for soles
- 4 sets of snaps
- Snap setter
- Less than 1 yard of 1/8" elastic
Maggie's Stay-On Booties are now available in bigger sizes! This listing is the big kid version. =)
These are sized by shoe size - not by age! Age-wise, this pattern goes from about 2 years old to about 7 years old. This might help:
These sizes continue from the baby pattern! =) The baby sizes go from a 0 to a 7 but they are more spread out. I did them by age and not by size because I never planned on doing more. =) The biggest baby one is a size 7 and finishes at 6". The size 8 finishes at 6 1/3" and the sizes increase by 1/3" from there all the way up to an adult 12 (which I'm almost ready to have listed!!)
Pattern support via very active facebook group: